Thursday, June 26, 2014

World's Tallest family


The Kulkarni family has been featured in Limca Book of Records since the inception as the tallest couple with a combined height of 4.09 m. They are now hoping to set a new world record with their combined height. Sharad Kulkarni, 52, stands at 7ft 1.5-inch tall and his wife Sanjot, 46, is 6ft 2.6-inches tall. Their daughters, 22-year-old Mruga and 16-year-old Sanya, are 6ft 1inch and 6ft 4inches respectively. The four-member family's combined height is a staggering 26ft
Mr and Mrs Kulkarni were crowned India’s tallest couple by their country’s Limca Book of Records after they married in 1989.

They had hoped to be named the world's tallest couple by the Guinness Book of Records, until it emerged that Wayne and Laurie Hallquist, from Stockton, California, stand a combined inch taller at 13ft 4ins.

Mr Kulkarni said: 'We were a little disheartened. It’s nice to have recognition when you live your life being so different. It ends up meaning something. But we’re excited about new prospects.’

When Mr Kulkarni hit 7ft as a teenager he ploughed his energies into sports and ended up playing basketball for his country. But Mrs Kulkarni struggled to go unrecognised and fit in in the remote Indian village where she lived.

The pair began to accept early on in their teens that marriage one day might be difficult.

Mrs Kulkarni said: ‘It’s hard for a woman to be taller than a man in India. The man is the more authoritative role so I would never want to marry a smaller man and then him be ridiculed about his wife.

The Kulkarnis have wardrobes full of custom-made clothes and shoes. Shopping on the high street is impossible. Their shoe sizes range from 8 to 12 and they often order their footwear online from Europe.

Their house has been adapted to meet their needs - they had to change all the door frames from 6ft to 8ft high.

They have customised their furniture including beds, wardrobes, kitchen shelves, and even the height of the toilet.
But they never use public transport, preferring to travel on scooters. When flying is necessary, they ask for a front seat or emergency exit row.

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